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PAGE_CONTENT; if( $show_sub_pages == "Y" ) { $qry = "select a.page_id as sub_page_id, b.title as sub_page_title, b.call_url as sub_page_call_url, c.plain_desc as subpage_short_plan_desc from pages_list a, page_data b, page_properties c where a.parent_page='$page_id' and a.hide_marker='N' and a.page_id=b.page_id and b.lang_id='$language_id' and a.page_id=c.page_id and b.page_id=c.page_id and b.lang_id=c.lang_id order by a.sort_flag"; $res = mysqli_query(\Database::getInstance()->getConnection(), $qry ) or systemError(mysqli_error(\Database::getInstance()->getConnection()), $LANG ); if( mysqli_num_rows( $res ) ) { $idx_hlp = 0; $cycle_row = 0; echo <<< SUBPAGES_DATA
SUBPAGES_DATA; while( $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $res ) ) { $idx_hlp += 1; $cycle_row += 1; $sub_page_id = $row["sub_page_id"]; $sub_page_title = $row["sub_page_title"]; $sub_page_call_url = $row["sub_page_call_url"]; $sub_page_title = cut_UTF_8_String( $sub_page_title, 0, $PP_SUB_PAGE_TITLE_LENGHT ); if ($sub_page_call_url == "") $sub_page_call_url = "pages/" . $language_profile . "/$sub_page_id"; if( strtolower( substr( $sub_page_call_url, 0, 4 ) ) != "http" ) $sub_page_call_url = $WORK_DIR . "/" . $sub_page_call_url; $final_subcategory_preview = "\"$sub_page_title\""; $qry1 = "select photo_big from page_photos where page_id = '$sub_page_id' order by photo_id limit 1"; $res1 = mysqli_query(\Database::getInstance()->getConnection(), $qry1 ) or systemError( mysqli_error(\Database::getInstance()->getConnection()), $LANG ); if( mysqli_num_rows( $res1 ) ) { $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array( $res1 ); $page_big_photo = $row1[ 'photo_big' ]; $new_dimensions = array(); $new_dimensions = custom_image_Resize( substr( $page_big_photo, 1 ), $PP_SUB_PAGE_PREVIEW, $horizontal_resizing = true ); $final_subcategory_preview = "\"$sub_page_title\""; } echo <<< SUBPAGES_DATA
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$file_title - $file_size
PAGE_FILES; } } ############################################################################################################################################################ ### --> Get Images Attached To Current Page if( $show_pictures == "Y" ) { $photos_type = "page_photos"; $idx_type = "page_id"; $photo = new Photo(); $photo->setTableName( $photos_type ); $photo->setLangID( $language_id ); $photo->setOtherPrimaryKeyVarName( $idx_type ); $photo->setOtherPrimaryKeyVarValue( $page_id ); $photos = array(); $photos = $photo->getAllPhotos(); if( count( $photos ) > 0 ) { echo <<< IMAGES
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IMAGES; } echo <<< IMAGES
IMAGES; } } show_copyright_Message(); ############################################################################################################################################################ close_pages_Container(); output_site_closing_Tags(); ?>